Logotypes |
Logo of computer company "Tesor" from Yaroslavl.These images were found at the company's official website http://tensor.ru/ Logo of firm "Cinto" from St.PetersbergThe web site of the firm at http://www.cinto.ru/ Logo of company "Sierra Pacific Windows" from California which makes windows.This image was found at the company's official website http://www.sierrapacificwindows.com/ Google special logoWith this logo Google selebrated birthday of M.C. Escher in June 16, 2003. Logo of mexican mathematical site
Address of the site is http://www.smm.org.mx/ Logo of french company Adia This image was found at LEMERT GROUP Website of the company Logo of the britain rock group Van Der Graaf Generator
Official group website http://www.vandergraafgenerator.co.uk/ Logotypes of french motor-car company Renault
A logo insurance company ASKO from Ekaterinburg (Russia).