Motion picture
and animation films


Labyrinth (1986)

Labyrinth (1983) is a musical fairy tale about 16-year-old (Jennifer Connelly) who accidentally wishes her baby stepbrother Toby to the evil Goblin King Jareth (David Bowie) who will transform Toby into a goblin if Sarah does not complete his Labyrinth in 13 hours. At the end Sarah enters to the castle of goblin king which represents theme of Escher's artwork "Relativity".

Labyrinth - a frame from the film

Labyrinth - a frame from the film

Labyrinth - a frame from the film

Labyrinth - a frame from the film

Labyrinth - a frame from the film

Labyrinth - a frame from the film

Labyrinth - a frame from the film

This film at IMDB

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